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If your home has old, single-pane windows, consider all the benefits you’ll enjoy with new replacement windows. Not only will you reduce your monthly energy bills, but you’ll also enjoy quieter evenings at home and more comfortable and consistent temperatures inside. However, there’s no rule that says you have to stick with the same style when replacing your old windows. Here’s a look at some of the different window styles you can choose to give your home a new look and feel. A window replacement company in San Jose can provide you with more information about these and other window styles.

Casement Windows
If you want to take advantage of San Jose’s cool evening breezes, consider installing a few casement windows in your living room or bedroom. A casement window is hinged at the side and open out like a door using a crank. Some casement windows can also be pushed open. You may have also heard of awning windows, which are essential casement windows that open up rather than swing out.

Bay/Bow Windows
Bay and bow windows extend from the home for a distinct (and functional) architectural effect. This extension is an easy and affordable way to increase your home’s square footage for a cozy breakfast nook or a comfortable reading bench.

Picture Windows
If your home looks out over a stunning view, picture windows can give you unobstructed and breathtaking views. Picture windows are fixed windows that do not open, creating a portrait-like space on the walls. Insulated glass will allow you to flood your home with natural light without actually heating up the inside of your home.

Radius Windows
Radius windows are a great option for anyone looking to bring softness to a room. Radius windows, also called arch windows, combine rectangular windows with a half-circle or arch top. You can increase the aesthetic appeal of radius windows by adding grids.

Vintage windows in San Jose